edutrust refers to a special certification scheme where the Private Education Institutions known as PEIs, can get quality assurance in Singapore. The scheme aims to distinguish private institutions from other schools based on the fact that these selected organizations should maintain a high standard of quality in all aspects of education. They should make it a point to provide complete provision of education services and products offered to them to lead the students to beneficial and expected outcomes as excellent pupils.
Criteria to secure certificates
The certification criteria can be specific to certain special features that need to be incorporated to get particular approval. Some of such criteria have been listed below:
- Managing and commitment responsibilities related to the commitment to achievements. It also includes the strategies and planning required for making the institution a better place for the students who invest their time and money into it.
- Keeping a check on the external recruitment agents helps in managing and evaluating the local and external recruitment agents. This makes sure that the agents deliver the best quality services for the required tasks without indulging any unethical practices.
- There are special student protection and safety protocols which make sure that the students have the right to feel safe and consider themselves protected in the institution in terms of course transfer, withdrawal policies, etc. The aim is to provide support to a holistic development approach where the development is not limited to one area of interest.